How Bloggers Get Some People Mad

Prominent liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, who runs one of the most popular liberal and progressive blogs in the world, says Google News is becoming unusable.

“They need some serious soul-searching about what they are and what their mission is.”

“A news operation needs to present news, and credible news at that. That means get rid of the blogs (mostly opinion), get rid of the no-name sites, the conspiracy sites, and the rest of that crap.”

Obviously, he wasn’t the first. I mean, how many times have you googled around lately to find informations about X events, or Y products or Z services and get personal web blogs on the top ten of the results?

I personally do not have any problem with that, since people don’t read average web blog, and Google algorithm has ensured that only those of really important websites will show up at the top results.

That means, if you really want to get informations about something that also includes what most people think as important too.

The How

The interesting question is how web blogs can do that. In my experience running this blog, i can see easily that web blogs possess many qualities that search engines like Google and Yahoo really loves to see. They are,

  • Frequent updates to content and pages
    Blog is used to enable people publishes anything easily on the web in chronological ways. The quality of a blog is sometime determined by how frequent the contents are updated.
  • Text dominated
    Since search engine indexing only works for text, blog entries which usually filled with more text than image become favorable.
  • Carefully orginized content structure
    This due to categorized topic and archival previous entries that come with almost every blog system. And some blog applications like wordpress has great plugins that can create sitemap and submit it automatically to Google. This surely helps search engine spider to crawl blog easily.
  • Important text wrapped in header elements

    It is well known that search engine try to understand a web page by its header elements (meta). Many blog application has this built in features.

  • Friendly URL
    Using htaccess and some functions to process query string.
  • Link Management

    Search engine like Google has page rank system which calculates the important of a web page by how it links to others and being linked by others. Many blog system has this feature to create link easily and trackback system to notice the owner when his entry being linked by other blog using the same trackback mechanism.

In addition, with many blogs aggregator, blogs search engine and feed syndicator out there makes a web blog easier to get promoted. Sometime even without the owner realizing it.

Web Thumbnail

As most of you might have known, Joshua Eichorn, author of Understanding AJAX, has written a cool web service called “Webthumb“. Its a nice web app that captures a website and turn it into an image thumbnail.

There are many reasons why we need to create such web thumbnail, Cal Evans mentioned some of them,

  • Graphic Designers can use it to create thumbnails of their work for archival purposes.
  • You may want to create a history of a web page to show it’s progress.
  • Since Amazon is now charging for Alexa’s thumbnail service, you may want to create thumbnails of sites you are talking about on your blog.

He also has made a nice wrapper for us, in PHP off course, made our live easier. You can try it out yourself for free, just download the source in his website here. But you’re going to need API Key for that, just take some simple registration steps here, and you can use the web service to create your web thumbnail up to 250 times a month.

I know, some of you perhaps more interesting in trying it now than go to some websites to see how it really works. That’s why i made this simple script just for you. Just enter the URL website you’d like to capture and your own API Key. Then again, if you’re too lazy to get the API key, just use mine, here (if it failed then it might have over quote, sorry):


Yet Another TextTwist Solver

So, couple days ago, i found this nice Perl script to solve TextTwist games in Priyadi’s blog. And i said to myself, “hmm, i think i can make it too in PHP”. So here you go,


  function yatts($words)
    $pspell_link = pspell_new("en");

    $length = count($aword);

    for ( $sublength=3;$sublength<$length;$sublength++ )
      for ( $k=1,$max=1;$k<=$length;$k++ )

      for ($a=1; $a<($length+1); $a++) {
        $options[$a] = $pattern[$a] = $a;

      for ($x=0; $x<$max; $x++)
        $N = $x;
        for ($i=1; $i<= $length;) {
          $pattern[($length+1-$i)] = $N % $i;
          $N = $N/$i;

        $b = $options;

        foreach($pattern as $offset) {
          list($char) = array_splice($b, $offset, 1);
          $perm[] = $char;

        $m = array_slice($perm, 0, $sublength);   

        foreach ( $m as $v )

        if ( !in_array($jj,$res) ) {
          if ( pspell_check($pspell_link,$jj) ) {

    return $res;


All you have to do is write something like this,


  $res = yatts('ltorslt');
  echo implode(' ',$res);


where “lorstl” is the letters presented in the game, and the output would be,

lot tor tot ors rot sol sot lots lost toll tors tort tots trot roll
rots slot sort tolls torts troll trots rolls trolls stroll

Yep, grab one and make scores. 🙂


  • To make this script works you need to compile PHP with pspell support. Read the manual for that.
  • You also need to install Aspell program and its english dictionary, get it here.
  • For windows user, you’re going to need dos2unix program for windows. Somehow, some Aspell binary files can not be read because it’s in DOS format. Just type this in your DOS-prompt,

    C:\Program Files\Aspell\data> dos2unix iso8859-1.dat
    C:\Program Files\Aspell\data> dos2unix standard.kbd

Ngeblog ver. 0.0.1

Finally, i decided to release class Ngeblog ver. 001, get it here. It’s the class for accessing Blogger using GData format with PHP. If you want to know how it works, make sure you read my previous short tutorial. I wrapped up the whole code into a single class, hope it would make easier to use.

Currently, it can add, delete and get list of entries from Blogger. I’m trying to add some useful feature like editing entry, draft post and etc.

Here is some examples to use the class:

Add new post


require_once "Ngeblog.php";

$myblog = new Ngeblog


$title =

  "This is my title";$msg ="<p>This is your <i>content</i></p>";

if ( $myblog->postBlog($title,$msg) ) {
echo "posting success";
} else {
echo "posting failed";


Delete an entry


require_once 'Ngeblog.php';

$myblog = new Ngeblog(



$entryid = '116086019043835900'; // the entry id to be deleted

if (

  $myblog->deletePost($entryid) ) {
  echo "The entry with id $entryid has been deleted";


Get list of entries


require_once "Ngeblog.php";

$myblog = new Ngeblog("yourusername","yourpassword");

$res = $myblog

 ->sendQuery(1,5); // this will get five entries from first index



Paypal now available in Indonesia



Good news for Indonesia, Paypal now available here,

PayPal has added support for a further 10 currencies to its internet payment system.

The latest currencies to be added are the Czech koruna, Danish krona, Hong Kong dollar, Hungarian forint, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian krona, Polish zloty, Singapore dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc.

The currencies add to the seven already available to PayPal customers, including US dollar, Australian dollar, euro, UK pound, Canadian dollar, Japanese yen and Chinese RMB.

PayPal also announced that residents in 48 countries can now use PayPal in their local markets to send money online. The new markets include Indonesia, the Philippines, Croatia, Fiji, Vietnam and Jordan.

“International expansion is a key part of PayPal’s growth strategy,” said Dana Stalder, senior vice president at PayPal.

The company claims 14 million accounts globally, and total transactions of $8.9bn in the second quarter of 2006.


Updated info (see comments below):

Members in the following countries and regions can only send payments and cannot receive payments: Andorra, Anguilla, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Botswana, Brunei, Cape Verde, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Fiji, Gibraltar, Indonesia, Jordan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Maldives, Malta, Namibia, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Samoa, and Trinidad and Tobago.


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Google To Acquire Your Wife

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After acquiring YouTube, speculations rise about what will Google do next. Robert Scoble noted in his blogs that Google seems to reboot its master plan. What is Google planning to do?

Guess what, here is the new rumor,

Yonkers, NY. FakeCrunch is reporting on a rumor that Google is in secret talks with your wife for possible acquisition. Reportedly valued at over $2 US, the deal is rumored to be an all-cash acqusition.

You wife has been steadily climbing in the Alexa ranking recently due to her social-networking and video-pirating services she offers to closed community of college students with nothing better to do.

While your wife couldn’t be reached for comment, FakeCrunch was able to track you down for your thoughts whom simply said “Ka-Ching!”

Source: Fake Crunch

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Firefox & Ketupat Party

Firefox Party

The release of Firefox 2 is coming up, and great things need to be celebrated. Thus two days ago, the firefoxparty website was released!

All crazy firefox hackers and fans are celebrating this events by helding many parties, including me (errr,although mine is a bit different :p).

So, if you’re interested to come, just check the schedule and your position, hit it here

Contact me if you’re interested.

How to Access Blogger using PHP and GData Format

If you were like me, you wanted to be able to access Blogger using your own interface. Unfortunately, many Blogger API’s out there still using Atom API, which will be deprecated soon. Google plans to change it using Blogger GData API.

What is Blogger GData API? This is what the guidelines said,

The Blogger data API allows client applications to view and update Blogger content in the form of Google data API (“GData”) feeds. Your client application can use GData to create new blog posts, edit or delete existing posts, and query for posts that match particular criteria.

I will show you how to do that with PHP, using curl and simpleXML functions. So, make sure you have them installed in your PHP.

Continue reading “How to Access Blogger using PHP and GData Format”