Dokumentasi Software Open Source

Dalam sebuah milis Linux, Linus Torvalds memberikan pendapatnya tentang dokumentasi software yang menurutnya tidak pernah akurat sehingga tidak layak dipercaya. Karena menurutnya orang yang menulis dokumentasi biasanya orang yang sama sekali tidak terlibat dalam implementasi programnya. Berikut kutipannya, You seem to put a lot of trust in a piece of documentation. Do you realize how …

Program Yang Berkualitas vs Program Yang Sehat

Saya suka membaca tulisan-tulisan Coding Horror, tapi tulisan terakhirnya dengan judul Nobody Cares What Your Code Looks Like terus terang sangat mengecewakan saya, watch the the mechanic film the next three days hd watch the entire movie of burlesque download the life as we know it dvd The next time you’re knee deep in arcane …

Weekend Project

Saya suka tulisan ini, 52 reasons why Programmers work on weekends. Semua yang saya alami ketika mesti bekerja di akhir pekan dan semua yang bisa saya pikirkan kenapa seorang programmer mesti bekerja di akhir pekan ada di situ. Namun alasan yang paling tepat menurut saya adalah alasan ke 35: Programmers don’t really consider what they …

Detikcom itu

Pernyataan Ronny ini benar-benar mewakili uneg-uneg saya, bukan cuma pada Detikcom, tapi kebanyakan situs berita di Indonesia. Cuma saya nggak tega untuk mengatakannya langsung, jadi ngutip aja deh: sweet karma download movie Oh, satu lagi kehebatan detikcom: pinter bikin pembacanya annoyed. Iklan yg jumlahnya seabreg-abreg, beranimasi pula, gak ada RSS/Atom feed, sok mau disable right …

How Bloggers Get Some People Mad

Prominent liberal blogger Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, who runs one of the most popular liberal and progressive blogs in the world, says Google News is becoming unusable. “They need some serious soul-searching about what they are and what their mission is.” “A news operation needs to present news, and credible news at that. That means get …

Google Code Search new but not new

If there was something missing in all the buzz about Google Code Search, i think it’s the fact that it’s not new at all. There were Koders and Krugle who played on the same field long before Google jumped in. But somehow they’re just disappearing from any count, including alexa. Just check their traffic for …

Why PHP Programmers are Leaving

Recent web survey report shows us a surprising fact about PHP programmers deciding to leave PHP for Ruby on Rails. william & kate the film in hd movie hanna online film hd download download the last airbender full Of course this survey isn’t necessarily the reason to claim the quality of the programming language it …