Ngeblog 0.2 : Yes, You can Use AuthSub Now

As written in Google Code blog (err, yesterday), Ngeblog now supports AuthSub authentication. And it uses Zend Framework (Zend_Gdata) for abstracting the whole authentication process, including ClientLogin authentication. Since Ngeblog 0.2 now uses the modified version of Zend_Gdata, the files is getting larger and it is hard for me to put Ngeblog 0.2 to phpclasses. …

Ngeblog as Google Code Featured Project

I’ve just found out this morning that Ngeblog has been chosen as one of Google Code Featured Project. download the company men dvdrip real top gear apocalypse movie download Although it’s not really accurate, since i haven’t used Zend GData yet, and it hasn’t supported AuthSub, but thanks anyway. I take that as a suggestion. …

PHPSecInfo: Alternatif PHPINFO()

Seperti saya tulis sebelumnya, PHPINFO() adalah tool ampuh buat programmer seperti kita yang menggunakan jasa shared hosting. Hanya saja kita perlu lebih hati-hati untuk tidak membiarkannya terbuka begitu saja untuk dibaca orang lain. Tool serupa yang bisa kita gunakan, khususnya pengguna jasa shared hosting adalah PHPSecInfo(). Tampilannya mirip dengan PHPINFO(), hanya saja informasi yang ditampilkan …

Ngintip PHPINFO()

Seperti saya tulis dalam posting sebelumnya, beberapa hari lalu tim pengembang PHP telah merilis PHP versi 5.2 yang merupakan versi paling stabil dari seri 5.x. Banyak perbaikan dan penyempurnaan yang dilakukan oleh mereka, termasuk dan terutama dari sisi security. Oleh karena itu sangat dianjurkan bagi pemakai PHP, khususnya penyedia jasa hosting, untuk mengupgrade PHP mereka …

ClientLogin Authentication for Zend GData

As i mentioned in my previous post, i was going to add AuthSub authentication for Ngeblog when people at Google Code team announced that Zend framework now has GData support.

After played around with it for hours, i finally got into a decision to use Zend Gdata for abstracting Ngeblog connection to Blogger. Unfortunately, Zend GData class library only supports AuthSub authentication, while Ngeblog already uses ClientLogin authentication and works fine this far.

So, to make it available for both type of authentication, i finally sat down and wrote some codes myself to add ClientLogin support for Zend GData. You can download the bundle in .zip here or in .tgz here which contains both Zend_Gdata bundle and my Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin class for ClientLogin authentication. Try getauthdemo.php to see how my ClientLogin class works.

Moving to PHP 5.2

The PHP development team has announced the immediate release of PHP 5.2.0. This release is a major improvement in the 5.X series, which includes a large number of new features, bug fixes and security enhancements.

Further details about this release can be found in the release announcement 5.2.0, and the full list of changes is available in the ChangeLog PHP 5.

To me, one of the most important thing that come with this new release is the addition of input filtering extension which enabled by default. If you have no idea about this extension then you should take a look at this tutorial from Zend developer zone.

For many years, unlike any other languages, PHP did not have any standards functions to filter out data from external world (like cgi or perl). You’d likely have to write additional codes yourself to do this. So this input filter extension which for some time sit in PECL package surely makes our lives easier.