Google Developer Podcast

Aha, finally, Google developer podcast is coming to town. The first episode talks about Google Guice with its developer, Crazy Bob. I can’t wait to hear the interview with Google data API developer. They’re rock! Warning: this podcast is very very technical, not good for non-technical people. 🙂 download ong bak 3 hd buy true …

Google search result in XML format

Many people would love to have feeds on Google search results, like they do on Google news or Google blog search. You can do many thing with this, for example you can build Google search like in your website or blog. where can i download the Battle: Los Angeles film download knight and day full …

2007 as the Year of the Widget

Honestly, i’m not really comfortable with the term “widget”. Since the term is somehow confusing to me. Some people say it is derived from the combination of “window” and “gadget”. Then there is web widget and desktop widget. Huh? But whatever the term, people know it, use it and some of them even dedicate their …

Gmail is now finally public

Uyeaaah, now you can signup to Google account without the invitation. Check this out: Can I sign up without the invitation code? Or without a mobile phone? watch the knight and day film hi-def quality resident evil: afterlife download sanctum full Anyone in the world is now welcome to create a Gmail account at …

This and That

I know, i know, it’s been like forever since i wrote my last post here. These last two months has been a very busy days for me.

Fortunately, i didn’t miss anything much. Thanks to Google Reader i could still follow what’s going on on the net, as you can see at my Google Reader Trends here,


Ok, i’m a light weight reader, but that’s enough for me to follow what i’m interestedon.

Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! Unite to Support Sitemaps

Finally, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! announced today that they will all begin using the same Sitemaps protocol to index sites around the web. Now based at, the system instructs web masters on how to install an XML file on their servers that all three engines can use to track updates to pages. What and …