Memburu Sisi Lain Programmer Dengan Google Code Search

Google terkenal dengan kemampuannya menampilkan hasil pencarian yang lengkap, terlalu lengkap bahkan. Sampai hal-hal yang sebelumnya mungkin tidak ingin kita ketahui ikut ditampilkan juga. Google Code Search misalnya, yang baru-baru ini dirilis, awalnya bertujuan untuk memudahkan programmer mencari skrip atau kode yang ia butuhkan. Tapi Google memberi kita lebih dari itu.

How many “fucks” do you have in your source code?

Google recently released the Google Code search, which searches through open source tarballs and zips, and tries to find the number of occurences of a specific query, and then showing them. toy story 3 film divx As in any search engine, it is always interesting to know what people did that not many people know. …

How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot in Any Programming Language

Another humorous howto’s for programmer, how to shoot yourself in the foot in any programming language. This is my favourite: dvd movie blue valentine ASP.NET Find a gun, it falls apart. Put it back together, it falls apart again. You try using the .GUN Framework, it falls apart. You stab yourself in the foot instead. …

Pac Man Entirely in MS Excel

This proves my point that 80% of the world’s business logic runs in Excel. Perhaps most of the Video Games also do…and we just never noticed? Splinter ExCell anyone? download movie let me in hd where to watch the full how to train your dragon film Two thumbs up for the guy who made this …